Protest Suicide, Please don't do this.
Yahoo News has a story about a man who was about to get married, who had a good job, but was so distraught over the election results that he killed himself in the most symbolic place he could think of...
View ArticleMass Suicide Attempt at Gitmo swept under carpet
CBS News is reporting that 23 or more prisoners at the Gitmo holding center attempted suicide. The actions occured in 2003 and the facts are just beginning to come to light now. It's clear that the US...
View ArticleMy Bill Moyers Moment. Reclaim the flag.
I was listening to this weekend's Prarie Home Companion with Garrison Keillor and had a Bill Moyers moment. For Memorial Day they were playing songs of America including the Star Spangled Banner. As I...
View ArticleThe Smoking Gun: It Takes Two Shots
The Downing Street Minutes are finally getting some attention in the press and finally someone directly asked Bush about it (although what did you expect Bush to say? "That's true, we did fix...
View ArticleThe 9/11 connection...
I woke up on Sept 11th 2001 and prepared for my first day on a new job. While putting on my socks I flicked on the old tele just in time for the morning hosts on GMA to say 'a second plane has run into...
View ArticleA new progressive magazine?
If there is something good coming from DailyKos and similar sites, it is that as progressives we're thinking about issues and developing policies and responses better than we have for the past couple...
View ArticleA cure for complacency?
I wrote this diary entry in response to another blog post that linked to my blog. The orignal author was depressed that coverage of the 4-year old's death at Disney World was taking away from the...
View ArticleThe new anti-Imperialism and the Democrats
The New York Times Magazine ran two articles aimed at talking Democrats off the ledge. The first, an insightful piece into middle America politics and the crystal ball that is Hank Hill and "King of...
View Articleit's my flag too
I wrote this in response to some comments that liberals are out of touch calling the Taliban and the American Taliban the same. It's not that there are no differences between the Taliban/Al Qaeda and...
View ArticleTerrorism, a natural phenomenom?
Dave Pollard's blog, How to Save The World, is almost always a refreshing voice of reason in a world that is often mad with hate, anger, fear, or some other self-preservation mechanism. This week he...
View ArticleKatrina: What do we do now?
I went to bed last night angry and woke up this morning inspired. It's time to affect change so that we as a nation, and as a citizen of the world, are never unprepared again. If this had been a...
View ArticleWhere is ABC News? (now with Poll!)
You know. I can't help but wonder what Peter Jennings would make of this mess. So far the word from ABC has been mostly silence. Robin Roberts from GMA went home to Mississippi for a few days, a few...
View ArticleRape, Beatings, Murder at the Astrodome... you read that right
Over on there's a IM session that has been posted with a blogging reporter who has access to the Astrodome and the people inside.12:29 Evacuee Irvin Skinner: We have a curfew. We're...
View ArticleEditorial: Hopelessness
Last night Bush spoke in platitudes only. He spoke of 'hard work' although he's never done a day of hard work in his life. His whole operation is self-preservation and cronyism. This is further...
View ArticleIn Katrina's Wake: A community comes together to Marry two who lost all.
There have been many tragic stories of loss, struggle, and hopelessness in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. But there are glimmers of hope begining to shine through the cloudy skies. Here's one I read...
View ArticleThe Pending Economic Collapse: Linking Kidney Stones to Corporate Failure
Jaron Lanier (Wikipedia ) is mostly known for his dreadlocks and technological inventions. He has recently been chosen as one of the world's top 100 public intellectuals by The Prospect and Foreign...
View ArticleCollision: Animated Politics
Max Hattler has posted his animated film Collision on the net. It's a mix of Islamic patterns and American quilts and the colors and geometry of flags as an abstract field of reflection. The result is...
View ArticleThird Party is not a Zero Sum Game (w/ Poll)
I am this far (holds thumb and index finger about a quarter of an inch apart) from throwing in the towel. I think that the abandonment by the Democrats in the Senate of their constitutional duty to...
View ArticleHurricane Katrina: How one woman made a difference
I just stumbled upon this blogspot diary while doing a random search through recently created weblogs and I just had to get the word out. It tells the story of one woman, Rhonda Honegger, from...
View ArticleClass War: A Taxation System we can live with
One of the problems with getting out of this cycle of tax breaks for the rich and increased living expenses for the poor, is that now that it is easier to locate company resources overseas or even just...
View ArticleWhat Busby's loss means
Yesterday's election sent some strong signals. But I'm not getting the same signals others on this board appear to be. I see Busby's loss in CA-50 as a sign that Democrats still have some work to do to...
View ArticleAmerica's Global Reputation Destroying US Tourism Industry (poll!)
In yet another failed attempt at competence by the Republicans running the United States, our reputation with the world is so tarnished that we can no longer attract tourists to visit. So says the...
View ArticleWhen will we be wise enough for self rule?
"Anarchism is founded on the observation that since few men are wise enough to rule themselves, even fewer are wise enough to rule others." - Edward Abbey I'm an idealist when it comes to philosophy,...
View Article*our* civil war
What do you say to people who say, "well we're there now. So what would you have us do? Leave and abandon our mess or stay and try a surge to clean it up?" Here's my attempt.While I know we should...
View ArticleIf Al Gore won't run... (with poll)
What happens when Al Gore sticks to his guns and stays out of campaign politics? He won't run for President as he's making a world of difference as a private citizen and doesn't want that to stop if he...
View ArticleGoodbye and good riddance to Karl Rove
Goodbye, good riddanceThree simple words from John Edwards sums up what millions of Americans are feeling right now. "Goodbye, good riddance" is the sum total of John Edwards statement regarding the...
View ArticleGeorge Bush is a Pirate King. Don't give him your Stimulus Check
Jon Nadleberg has a great analogy that directly links the actions of George Bush with those of the very real Pirate Captains Walt Disney based his famous attraction on.Not too many people are aware of...
View ArticleA path to recovery for America (with poll)
There is talk about all the speculators in the housing market. Investors buying a house or condo with the intention to flip it and turn a profit when as the market continued to rise. One investor...
View ArticleRules Committee, Please don't dis-enfranchise me (again)
I have a slightly different take on this whole Florida Primary delegate seating issue than what I've been hearing in the news and in the forums. I was not happy when I found out Florida's January...
View ArticleIt's a Hostage Situation, how to react to Bailout
America has got a gun pointed at its head and we don't even know for sure who is pulling the trigger. We shouldn't be talking about a bailout (a Swedish style buyout maybe) because that's a misread of...
View ArticleFL-08: Central Florida moves from Red to Blue
Democrat Alan Grayson is showing real strength in the Central Florida House District 08. His opponent has served 8 years as a Bush lackie and is paying the price in the polls. The Orlando Sentinel...
View ArticleAn Apology from Icelanders (with Poll)
As was diaried earlier, Iceland has asked for help from the IMF. All of their banks of gone bankrupt and now a few members of the island nation have issued an apology on the nations behalf.We, members...
View ArticleIt's Time for a New Equal Rights Amendment
I am rejoicing today. A mandate for change has come to the United States of America. But at my core I am sorrowful for the hate and prejudice shown across America when we institutionalized...
View ArticleThe Right Wing and the Price of Liberty
In reading Charlie Stross' great post on transhumanism and the dangers of fascist influence, he linked to this Umberto Eco essay from 1995 warning of the rise of modern day fascism. I see a lot of...
View ArticleA Christmas Wish (what to do with bank bonuses)
The spirit of Christmas is different this year. So I wrote a poem that sums up how I think many of us are feeling. I'm not exactly William bleepin' Shakespeare, but I hope you like it.
View ArticlePernicious Anti-Intellectualism
Ben Carson's beliefs about the Pyramids are just the tip of the iceberg and I'm not sure we're giving it enough attention. Like a ship in icy waters, if the United States doesn't steer away soon, it...
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